Pregnancy can take a lot out of the body. Our baby is prioritised and given the nutrients and minerals they need for development, which can sometimes mean we’re left with deficiencies by the end of the term. Of course we’d have it no other way, but we must make sure we look after ourselves. We can’t pour from an empty cup after all and our babies need us to show up for them each and every day.
Our bodies also go through a lot giving birth; trauma, stress, heavy blood loss, tears, surgery and other injuries to the body. Therefore we also need time, sound nutrition and even the relevant healing modalities to help recover to full strength.
That’s easier said than done when most of your time is spent feeding your new born, you’re potentially sleep deprived and barely have time to take a shower!
Here are a few things I’ve done/been doing, on my postpartum recovery;
• I added pieces of my placenta to a smoothie for the first week post birth
• The rest was taken and used to make homeopathic medicine which I use as and when needed
• Took arnica for pain/inflammation (rather than ibuprofen which suppresses inflammation)
• I’m helping my body remineralise by taking 1/2 tsp of BOO fulvic acid daily as well as adding to baths
• In the initial weeks post birth, I had daily sitz baths with tea tree oil and BOO
• I had a daily smoothie by The Honestly Good Smoothie Company which use organic ingredients. I didn’t need to worry about preparing them when I had a new baby to attend to! (New customers get 20% off their first order with JADE20)
• Raspberry leaf and calendula tea to promote speedy healing
• Used a combination of essential oils (product: spritz for bits) and aloe vera to heal my tear and perineum area
• Had a daily liquid probiotic by Naked Biotic to support my gut and my immunity
• Added back in vitamin D for immunity and to pass to baby through my breast milk by Pure Health Supplements
• Started doing pelvic floor exercises whenever I’m breastfeeding (so I don’t forget to do them)
• And stocked up on real meals from Coombe Farm for those days when the time ran away, but we were still able to have a nourishing meal.