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Meet The Founder
Jade works 1 on 1 with clients in The Wellness Programme and The Fertility Formula, helping ensure clients get the results they seek to achieve: from resolving chronic illness to conceiving naturally.
Jade creates all of the programmes, both in the group formats and 1 on 1 formats. She also provides HTMA testing to help provide that tailored aspect and get to the root cause of client’s health issues. HTMA testing is included in both of Jade’s 1 on 1 programmes.
Jade is also co-founder of The Natural Mother’s Toolkit which aims to arm mothers with the tools, knowledge and community they need to raise healthy, happy children.
Meet Our Head Coach
Ellie manages the group cleanse programmes as well as working 1 on 1 with our clients in The Wellness Programme. Ellie is committed to seeing our clients succeed.
Ellie provides education via our weekly blog and also the posts in our Facebook Community. Ellie loves to help people gain the knowledge they need to change their life and heal their body.
Meet Co-Founder of The Natural Mother’s Toolkit
Cathy is a natural mother who is a big promoter of homeopathy, quality nutrition and low toxic living. She implements this with her own children and wants to share her wisdom far and wide, which she does through our joint membership programme: The Natural Mother’s Toolkit.
Cathy has extensive knowledge as well as a broad network, which she uses to help bring in guest experts on all topics related to children’s health. Cathy is committed to giving mothers everything they need to see their children thrive.
Meet Our Nervous System Specialist
Jade & Donna work together on the 6 week Nervous System Reset group programme, designed to bring your nervous system back into regulation via this “reset” process.
Donna is an Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner and uses “tapping” to help her clients release trapped emotions.
Together, we have created a way for clients to nourish their nervous system, release trapped emotions and restore balance in the body to resolve any “dis-ease”. The tools taught can be used long-term for the whole family.