The Wellness Programme
This 6 month programme combines the most powerful methods of healing to restore health in the body
I suffered with a chronic health issue for 6 years. I tried all the diets, I took all the supplements, I went for the tests, I spoke to the specialists and I invested a fortune trying to find the answers. Had I known then what I know now, I would have healed myself in a fraction of the time!
That’s why I have created this programme, so that you don’t have to take the long road.
In just 6 months you could be a different person! Someone who has the energy to show up for their family, who is excited about life again, living pain-free, without medications and in love with their body.

This is exactly what we achieved for Katie’s mum, Linda:
“My mum was able to stop taking 8 different medications! She’s happy, she’s smiley.. she’s a different woman. The results have been absolutely incredible and I’ve now got my mum back – thank you Jade!”
We take your body from being ill to being well, by getting the body into its natural healing state. The body knows how to heal and wants to heal, but it’s chronically suppressed. Toxins, chemicals, pollutants, harmful organisms, heavy metals and more, overburden and overwhelm the body.
This 16 week holistic process gets all of these things out of the way, gets your elimination pathways working optimally, heals your gut, strengthens your immune system, switches off inflammation and resets your body, so that the body can get back to being in equilibrium.
“True healing is not a quick fix but a regeneration that comes from removing all waste from the body” – Arnold Ehret
“My experience with The Wellness Programme has been pivotal for my health journey. It addresses the right things in the right order. It has taught me so much that it’s changed me as a person (for the better). It’s like I have taken off these blurry glasses and now I can see clearly. I will forever be grateful!!
The knowledge I have gained is priceless and is knowledge I will use for the rest of my life. I highly recommend the programme to anyone and everyone, because everyone can benefit from it no matter their circumstance.
Thank you Jade for everything you do. You touch people’s lives and make them better, and you don’t get more magical than that!”
— Chloe
How it works
We focus on three key areas when healing the body:
Without effective digestion we cannot digest, absorb and assimilate nutrients sufficiently, meaning even with the healthiest diets, we’ll struggle to improve our health. Up to 80% of our immune system is found in our gut which makes maintaining its optimum function critical for healing.
There are an ever increasing amount of toxins in our environment; in the air, the water supply, the food chain and in the synthetic products we use. Without regularly cleansing, these toxins build up, overburden our eliminatory organs and create an internal terrain where disease can be born.
Both poor gut health and high toxicity create the perfect environment for harmful organisms to thrive. Parasites steal our nutrients, release toxic waste and cause disruption to our delicate bodily processes. Parasite cleansing is one of the most important practices we can do for our health.
“I wish I had started the wellness programme sooner! It has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made…
After following the wellness programme for just 12 weeks I have had pain free periods, no PMS and no bloating. My hormones are rebalancing and inflammation is disappearing! My skin is glowing, my mind is clear, I have so much more energy, I’ve lost weight and my hair is growing back!! Friends and family have noticed a massive change in me and I’ve also gained lots of knowledge!
I can’t quite put into words how this programme has helped change my life. Overall I feel like I’ve finally found myself. Thank you Jade.”
— Jesse
Here’s what you get inside The Wellness Programme:
- We start the gut healing process so that we can build health on the right foundations. A healthy gut means a strong immune system.
- We ensure bowel movements are supported throughout with our colon cleanse protocol and nutritional guidance.
- We go through your environment to remove toxic products and habits. Part of a successful detox is removing what’s coming in and not just what comes out!
- This way of life may be completely different from what you’re used to, so to make it easy we provide you with a 7 day meal plan, recipe bundle, shopping list, a monthly chart and daily schedule to follow.
- A successful programme is more than just telling you what to do, which is why we include educational videos. Understanding is a critical component to making long term changes.
- We know changing your life isn’t easy when done alone. That’s why we have a facebook support group for you to meet likeminded individuals and ask questions as you work through the programme.
- Let’s get back to nature. We teach you how to utilise what mother nature gave us to initiate healing, calm your nervous system and reduce inflammation.
- Heal from food sensitivities and switch off inflammation with our proven nutrition protocol, that we accompany with gut healing advice and high quality supplements.
- Watch our ‘Heal with Breath’ series to incorporate daily breathwork and reap the many benefits.
- With 5G around the corner, it’s never been more important to protect yourself from EMFs. We help you do this with our EMF detox guide.
- Our qualified reflexologist teachs you some of the key reflexology points to support your healing journey.
- Take the detoxification deeper with the kidney cleansing protocol, adrenal tonic, Ayurverdic liver cleanse and castor oil packs tutorial.
- After a decade of helping people parasite cleanse, we teach you the most effective parasite cleansing protocols, how to see what you’ve expelled and exactly what they are!
- Have you ever heard that stress is the biggest killer? This is why we teach you our favourite stress management techniques so that you can protect yourself.
- Learn about the gut brain connection and finally feel positive, happy and anxiety free.
- Watch our Yoga Series to learn the benefits of this ancient practice and follow these guided sessions to start your day the right way.
- Gut healing is more than just taking a probiotic. We give you the secrets to optiming gut function, accelerating microbiome rebalance and improving gut wall integrity.
- No healing programme would be complete without a liver flush. This is one of the most transformational protocols for healing the body. We guide you through the prep work to ensure a safe and successful dumping of stones, toxins, cholesterol and more!
- Your oral health can impact the health of your entire body. We share our oral health routine and also educate you on the danger of root canals.
- How you eat to detoxify the body and how you eat for long term nourishment, is different. Learn how to support your body for the long term, so that you go from strength to strength and build resilience.
- Killing parasites is more than just taking anti-parasitic herbs. Unless we are tackling them systemically (outside of the gut), we will not be able to heal long-term. We give you the best methods for system-wide parasite cleansing.
- Heavy metals are an important part of whole body detoxification. We have four different protocols to share with you.
- Let’s get back to basics by making your own sourdough, growing food in your garden and making your own herbal remedies.
- Fasting is a renowned healing practice in almost every culture and religion. We take you through a short term fast and educate you on how and when to perform fasting.
- Finally, we cleanse the lungs and the blood, to complete our advanced whole-body detoxification process.
Plus You’ll Get These 3 Bonuses – FREE

Facebook Support Group – WITH LIFETIME ACCESS
To support you through the entire process. To teach and educate you. To surround you with people who are committed to healing and understand what you’re experiencing. Theses are people in the trenches with you.

Recipe Bundles, Meal Plans & Shopping Lists
Eating healthy just got a whole new easier with these simple, straightforward yet highly nutritious meals. Suitable for even the busiest lifestyles. Never stand in your kitchen worrying what to eat or confused by the conflicting nutritional advice online. We simplify it all for you and make it easy to implement.

Lifetime Access To The Programme
Once you’re in, you’re in – for life. You become part of our family and we don’t let you fail. We commit to getting you the results you want. If you’re ready to resolve your health issues, we’re ready to do what it takes to get you there.
Hear from some of my clients:
Take a sneak peek inside the programme….
The 6 month programme is broken down into six parts, each being 4 weeks in duration. This enables us to deliver the process in manageable segments, that are easy to digest and won’t overwhelm you.
Here is an example of how it’s laid out. We go through the programme in a very specific order, for both your learning and for the implementation. This is a tried and tested process, formulated over the course of a decade, that delivers the best results.
These are just some of the many modules we cover, each with an educational video and guides/protocols/plans to implement and follow.

This programme has enabled my clients to go from;
- Being stuck in bed, breathless and in chronic pain… to high energy, no more medications and getting back to their old selves.
- No job, no hope and in the depths of despair… to pursuing their passion, setting up their own business and helping others now do the same.
- Unable to fall pregnant, irregular periods and hair falling out… to getting their body to vibrant health, falling pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby girl.
These are real life results and this can be the same for anyone who is willing to put themselves first and commit to 16 weeks of life changing advice.
“What a journey we’ve been on and just being on your programme has helped way and above measures I couldn’t even start to describe. You are one very special wee lady indeed and I will be ever indebted to you.
You have educated me and supported me the whole way through this, thick and thin. I seriously can’t thank you enough, I really can’t! You have given me life-long knowledge to keep on improving my health. It is really true that health is your wealth.
Many a day I couldn’t breathe with exhaustion and fatigue, I couldn’t even climb the stairs. I couldn’t even walk on my heels, I had to tip toe. No one could help, not even medical Doctors who we solely rely on to help get better.
I was at my wits end with my condition severely deteriorating and I was rapidly going downhill, until I met you!! From the bottom of my heart…. THANK YOU!”
— Susan
Schedule a discovery call to see if the programme is right for you
Here are just some of the chronic health issues we have helped…
- Eczema, psoriasis, acne and other skin issues
- Irritable bowel syndrome, crohns disease, ulcerated colitis and other digestive disorders
- Infertility, painful periods, missing periods
- Polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis and other hormone related problems
- Fatty liver disease and gallstones
- Chronic fatigue, low energy, depression
- Mast cell activation, high histamine, food sensitivities, hayfever and other allergic responses by the body
- Low immune function, repeated colds and illnesses
- Lyme disease, mould and co-infections
- Anxiety, stress and mood disorders
- Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, joint issues and arthritis
- Thyroid issues, stubborn weight and slowed metabolism
- Acid reflux, bloating, gut pains and excessive gas
- Poor memory, brain fog and trouble concentrating
- Insomnia, frequent waking and poor sleep quality
- Stopping medications by resolving the root cause
- Headaches, migraines and repeated urinary tract infections
- Symptoms of candida such as oral thrush, sugar cravings and yeast infections
- Inflammation, low appetite and no motivation for life
Featuring guest experts…
Nancy is Founder of ‘The Essential Detox’, helping people to parasite cleanse using essential oils. Nancy shares her extensive knowledge on oils, to help you improve your external environment and achieve non-toxic living.
Hannah is Founder of ‘The Breathe Instructor Training School’, specialising in nervous system regulation and emotional healing. Hannah shares how breathwork can support you in healing the body and takes you through a guided practice.
Marcella is a qualified yoga teacher, barre instructor and mindset coach, who helps women love their bodies and find their calm. Marcella teaches you the benefits of yoga and delivers 3 online yoga sessions, to help you implement this practice into your healing journey.
Sarah is Founder of ‘Mojo Health’, where she helps women get their “mojo” back. Sarah has created a breathwork series, where she teaches you a variety of powerful breathwork techniques to activate the parasympathetic nervous system.
Shannon is a Fitness Coach and Mindset Expert. Shannon delivers a series of workouts for you to perform gentle exercises which tone the body and support the lymphatic system. She also shares some of her top advice around creating a positive mindset, when the healing jourey can become challenging.
Cathy is Founder of ‘Roots Health & Wellness’, specialising in gut health. Cathy shares with you her advice for maintaining good gut health for the long term, once we have successfully implemented the gut healing process for our clients.
Sue is a qualified Naturopath and Reflexologist. Sue provides a reflexology tutorial to help you utilise this healing modality and support you throughout your healing journey. The reflexology points demonstrated can help promote bowel movements, liver detoxification, hormone support and more.
Donna is an Emotional Freedom Technique and Acupressure specialist who helps our clients release trapped emotions that are negatively impacting their health. Trapped emotions manifest into symptoms. Donna also arms you with tools and strategies to healthily manage your emotions going forward.
Frequently asked questions
Who is the programme suitable for?
This programme is for anyone who wants to improve their health or who has a chronic health issue. The reason this programme is able to help people with a range of health issues, from arthritis and crohns, to MS and lyme disease, is because it’s your body that does the healing. The body knows how to heal, we just have to get out of its way. To do that, we have to stop living the lifestyle that caused us to get ill, reduce stress, heal our gut so that we can digest, absorb and assimilate correctly, detox from toxins, chemicals, pollutants and harmful organsims that are overwhelming the body and live in line with nature’s principles. I teach you how to do all of that and then your body will do the rest!
Where can I find meal inspiration?
All programmes come with a 7 day meal plan and recipe pack to help you get started. We also post recipes regularly on our instagram page @thewellnessrecipes. We know removing foods from the diet can be difficult, especially addictive foods like refined sugar, which is why we try to keep you inspired along the way. We love seeing our clients enjoy the recipes so please tag us on Instagram if you enjoy them!
How long will it take me to see results?
Every body is different as well as every goal, so we can’t give you a specific timeframe. However most clients notice positive changes within the first week or two. Some of the factors which influence the healing journey; How long you’ve been experiencing symptoms How deep rooted the underlying cause is in the body How quickly your body responds to change How committed you are to the programme Certain genes Types and number of pathogens you may be harbouring The effectiveness of your detoxification pathways The ability of your elimination organs What’s important to note is that the longer you follow the programme, the better you’re likely to feel!
Can I do the programme if I'm pregnant?
Unfortunately we don’t offer The Wellness Programme for pregnant or breastfeeding women, because we take detoxing to a very deep level. However, we do have a breastfeeding safe cleansing programme available in our shop.
How strict is the programme?
Everyone will be coming from different diets and backgrounds, so what is strict for one, may not be for another. Generally, if you follow the standard Western diet such as refined foods, refined sugar, alcohol and coffee, then this will be a completely different lifestyle for you. With that said, it’s as strict or as flexible as you want it to be. We see our role as guiding and mentoring you, because ultimately this is your healing journey. Each part of the programme is 30 days but if you’d prefer to implement changes slowly, then you can follow each plan for as long as you feel you need to. Even small changes are still changes, it’s about what feels right for you and your body.
Is the programme suitable for Vegetarians?
Yes, we offer dietary options for meat/fish, vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. A 7 day meal plan example and recipe pack is provided to help you get started.
Is it normal to feel worse before I feel better?
Yes, this can happen and is not uncommon for individuals to suffer from detoxification reactions when embarking on a programme of natural healing. When our body tries to detoxify quicker than we’re able to release these toxins, we can experience what’s known as a healing crisis. This is a normal process which toxic individuals may encounter on their path to getting well. The symptoms can include fatigue, headaches, nausea, night sweats and more.
With that said, we minimise your chances of experiencing this as much as possible, through the use of lymphatic support, liver herbs, binders, etc.
Can this be used as a weight loss diet?
Absolutely. Whilst we don’t promote the concept of a diet, this is one of the healthiest ways to lose weight. There is no calorie counting, point scoring or portion control. You can eat as much as you like of the foods in the programme, knowing that this will be helping your health and not hindering it. This programme comes without guilt, restriction or deprivation. Many clients found they were unable to lose weight no matter what they tried prior to the programme and only through healing their gut did they finally experience weight loss.
Can I follow the programme for longer than the timeframe stated?
You can follow the programme for as long as you like. This is based on real foods which are healthy and nourishing, meaning there are no negative effects of following the programme for longer than the 16 week period. In fact, many of our clients adapt this lifestyle for the long term. This programme is more than just a diet plan, it’s your introduction to a whole new lifestyle and provides you with life long knowledge. This is also why you are granted lifetime access to this programme.
If I change my mind, can I get a refund?
Unfortunately, as this isn’t a product that can be returned, we’re not able to offer refunds. This programme is for people who are serious about their health and feeling well again because this will get you results – but only if you commit. This is not a quick-fix or a fad diet, this is a lifestyle change and a journey of natural healing. If you’re unsure on whether the programme may be suitable for your health goals, please schedule a free call so that we can discuss your individual circumstances.
Is anyone available to help and support me during the programme?
Yes, The Wellness Programme comes with 12 months community support via our private Facebook group. This is a place for you to ask questions, feel supported and meet likeminded individuals.
Can I do the programme if I'm on medication?
It is always advised to check with your Doctor or main Healthcare Provider before embarking on any diet or lifestyle plan, so they can assess your current medication and how this may be affected. Many clients join the programme as they’re looking to stop taking medication long term. Our job is to help your body get into a position where you feel ready to do this, but ultimately it will be your decision when this feels right for you. We would always advise you to consult your Doctor prior to stopping medication to ensure this is the right option for you.
I know how it feels to live with chronic symptoms…

For 6 years I struggled to resolve cystic acne, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic bloating, repeated urinary tract infections, low energy and ear infections. I took antibiotic after antibiotic, went on the oral contraceptive pill, cut out an extensive list of foods and spent thousands on skin treatments… but none of these gave me any long term results.
Every time I looked in the mirror I would get upset. Plans I made would often be cancelled last minute because my skin had flared. I made excuses and sat on the sidelines for years as my life passed by. I didn’t date for three and a half years. My confidence and self esteem were rock bottom and I couldn’t see a way out.
Eventually, I looked outside of the system and mainstream options, and found my first coach. He introduced me to detoxification, gut healing, parasites and a whole host of other topics. He opened my eyes to what was possible and for the first time in years, I had hope. Slowly but surely, I watched my body transform.
My thirst for knowledge and further results then led me to America, where I learned from some of the best. I also took a variety of courses, read countless books and worked with additional mentors. I combined all of this knowledge as well as my own experiences, to create The Wellness Programme. A way for the millions of other people who are currently struggling, to shortcut this process and head straight for results.
I want to give you the answers I know you’re not able to get elsewhere and get you the results I know you’re so ready to experience.
Still not sure? Read my book to understand exactly how this programme heals the body!
I want you to be confident with the next investment you make into your health. I want to give you everything you need to see this as the right solution for you. That’s why, I have written 119 pages and 11 chapters of practical and extremely valuable information, which details how to heal the body.
For just £5.99 GBP I give you the exact blueprint I use to transform my client’s health. I’m confident that after learning and absorbing all of this life changing information and discovering how transformative this process is, you’ll see that this programme will be a valuable investment into your health.
Find out more and a grab a copy of my book below:
Have a question? Would you like to jump on a call to discuss your specific circumstances?
Feel free to schedule a call with me, I’m happy to help!